# 重构要点
- 多语言翻译
- cookie 管理组件
- 通用页脚组件
海外 ihub 不支持路径分离,没有 ossweb-img
文件夹,图片和静态资源文件就放到同级目录,例如 images
禁止引用国内常用 JS 库,转为使用海外域名的 JS 库,详情查看 常用 JS 库
├─ images
├─ bg.jpg
├─ hreo.mp3
└─ ...
├─ font
├─ MarkPro-Bold.ttf
└─ ...
├─ css
├─ index.css
└─ ...
├─ js
├─ index.js
└─ lang.js
└─ index.html
无分享需求的页面,可直接使用以下通用模板,一个 html 实现多语言
有分享需求的页面请看 多语言区分html
# 通用模板
引入了四种组件:上报组件(必须)、翻译组件、cookie 管理组件、页脚组件,根据项目需要进行取舍
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="keywords" content="Auto chess,LOL,LOLM,League of Legends,Hero,Tactical,Arena of Valor,MLBB,Mobile Legend: BangBang,Dota">
<meta name="description" content="Golden Spatula is a champion auto-battler strategy mobile game. It is one of the ‘TFT franchise’ titles together with Teamfight Tactics and Teamfight Tactics Mobile from Riot Games, and is a mobile-exclusive game built primarily with the mobile audience in mind.In Golden Spatula, players need to fully utilize their intellect to recruit champions from a random pool and form the best lineup. They can empower their lineup by leveling up their champions, gearing them with various items including the powerful golden spatula itself. In each match, eight players use their battle formations to engage in one-on-one combat, continuously eliminating each other until the final victorious player remains.">
<!-- 通用分享图 -->
<meta itemprop="image" content="https://goldenspatula.com/resources/share.jpg">
<!-- facebook 分享 -->
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="goldenspatula.com">
<meta property="og:title" content="Golden Spatula">
<meta property="og:description" content="Golden Spatula is a champion auto-battler strategy mobile game. It is one of the ‘TFT franchise’ titles together with Teamfight Tactics and Teamfight Tactics Mobile from Riot Games, and is a mobile-exclusive game built primarily with the mobile audience in mind.In Golden Spatula, players need to fully utilize their intellect to recruit champions from a random pool and form the best lineup. They can empower their lineup by leveling up their champions, gearing them with various items including the powerful golden spatula itself. In each match, eight players use their battle formations to engage in one-on-one combat, continuously eliminating each other until the final victorious player remains.">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://goldenspatula.com">
<meta property="og:image" content="https://goldenspatula.com/resources/share.jpg">
<!-- twitter 分享 -->
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@goldenspatula">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Golden Spatula">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Golden Spatula is a champion auto-battler strategy mobile game. It is one of the ‘TFT franchise’ titles together with Teamfight Tactics and Teamfight Tactics Mobile from Riot Games, and is a mobile-exclusive game built primarily with the mobile audience in mind.In Golden Spatula, players need to fully utilize their intellect to recruit champions from a random pool and form the best lineup. They can empower their lineup by leveling up their champions, gearing them with various items including the powerful golden spatula itself. In each match, eight players use their battle formations to engage in one-on-one combat, continuously eliminating each other until the final victorious player remains.">
<meta name="twitter:url" content="https://goldenspatula.com">
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="https://goldenspatula.com/resources/share.jpg">
<meta name="twitter:image:src" content="https://goldenspatula.com/resources/share.jpg">
<title>Golden Spatula</title>
<!-- 上报测试 -->
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="JKsendReportData('中文信息', 'English')">测试上报</a>
<!-- 翻译测试 在标签中用 data-t 属性承载翻译的 key -->
<h1 data-t="title"></h1>
<p data-t="description"></p>
<div><span data-t="Please choose a login method."></span></div>
<!-- 页脚容器 -->
<div id="footer-container"></div>
<!-- 页脚组件引入 -->
<script src="https://goldenspatula.com/plugins/footer/index.js"></script>
<!-- 翻译组件引入 -->
<script src="https://goldenspatula.com/plugins/i18next/i18next.min.js"></script>
<!-- 上报组件引入 -->
<script src="https://goldenspatula.com/plugins/report/index.js"></script>
<!-- cookie 管理插件引入,必须加上 type="module" 标识模块化加载此脚本 -->
<script type="module">
import('https://goldenspatula.com/plugins/cookie/index.min.js').then(() => {
let OReport = null
// 初始化 cookie 管理组件
new OverseasCookieConsent((flag) => {
console.log('cookie偏好分析:', flag)
// 控制是否上报
JKReportConfig.open = flag
// 数据上报一定要放在 cookie 组件初始化之后
if (!OReport && flag) {
// 如果还没初始化上报 且 允许上报,则执行一次初始化
OReport = new OverseasReport({
id: 'a20241011testplugin', // 项目名称
channel: queryParams.get('media_channel') // 渠道,如需统计不同渠道的数据,通过 url 参数 media_channel 来区分
<!-- 导入当前项目的语言翻译文件 -->
<script src="./js/lang.js"></script>
// 读取 url 参数
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search)
// 获取浏览器默认语言
const browserLang = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage).split('-')[0]
// 临时语言
const tempCurLang = queryParams.get('lang') || browserLang
// 所有语言
const LANG_LIST = ['en', 'zh', 'th']
// 判断当前语言,优先级:url lang 参数 -> 浏览器语言 -> 默认语言 en
const currentLang = LANG_LIST.includes(tempCurLang) ? tempCurLang : LANG_LIST[0]
// 设置 html 的语言,cookie 组件会读取 document lang 属性显示对应语言
document.documentElement.lang = currentLang
// 初始化翻译工具
lng: currentLang, // 当前语言
fallbackLng: "en", // 回退语言
resources: langResources, // 翻译文件
}, (err) => {
if (err) return console.error(err);
// 执行 html 中的翻译
document.querySelectorAll("[data-t]").forEach((element) => {
const key = element.getAttribute("data-t");
element.textContent = i18next.t(key);
// 定义翻译方法 $t
const $t = (key) => i18next.t(key);
// 初始化页脚,传入当前语言
new FooterComponent('footer-container', currentLang);
console.log('测试脚本的翻译 $t:', $t("description"));
# 翻译文件
其中 ./js/lang.js
// 定义翻译内容
const langResources = {
en: {
translation: {
title: "Golden Spatula",
description: "description",
"Please choose a login method.": "Please choose a login method.",
th: {
translation: {
title: "Golden Spatula",
description: "คำอธิบาย",
"Please choose a login method.": "กรุณาเลือกวิธีล็อกอิน",
zh: {
translation: {
title: "Golden Spatula",
description: "描述",
"Please choose a login method.": "请选择一种登录方式",
# 语言样式
<link rel="preload" href="../font/AktivGroteskCd_Blk.ttf" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous">
如果要单独控制某种语言的 css 样式,可以在样式选择器前面加上 html lang 属性控制
html[lang="zh"] .class-name { }
html[lang="en"] .class-name { }
html[lang="th"] .class-name { }
# 嵌入 youtobe
嵌入 youtobe 视频需要删掉视频推荐,防止一些敏感视频出现在页面中
方法:删掉视频地址的参数,改为 rel=0
// youtobe 提供嵌入的 iframe src
// 改为